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Cyber Crimes Detail

The Cyber Crimes Detail is responsible for investigating past, ongoing, or threatened intrusion, disruption, or other events that impair, or are likely to impair, the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of electronic information, information systems, services, or networks. Investigators work to identify, track, and prosecute individuals who commit such acts as: network intrusions, wire transfer interception, fraudulent tax refund campaigns, unlawful computer access, business e-mail compromise (BEC), ransomware, malware, directed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, theft of digital currency, and phishing campaigns with a financial loss. Personnel assigned to the Cyber Crimes Detail are also involved in federal task forces which are focused on high-tech crimes. Cases where a computer is not the target of the crime (i.e. cyber bullying or Craigslist scams) are handled by general investigations.