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Yolanda Lopez









Name: Yolanda Lopez
Date Last Seen: 09/06/2009
DOB: 06/16/1973
Gender: Female
Race: Hispanic
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 110lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Distinguishing features: Unknown


On September 6, 2009, Yolanda Lopez was last seen at her friend’s house where she had been living since February in the city of San Clemente. Yolanda left the residence at approximately 7:40 A.M. and has not been seen or heard from since. Yolanda’s friend/roommate received a message from an unknown acquaintance later that month stating that Yolanda had returned to Mexico to live with her two adult sons, however, she has never been able to verify this information.

Anyone with information regarding this disappearance is asked to call the Orange County Sheriff’s Department – Homicide Unit/Missing Persons Detail

(714) 647-7055 / 24 hrs  or (714) 628-7170