The Emergency Management Division of the Orange County Sheriff-Coroner’s Department is the lead agency for the County emergency preparedness and disaster response. We also serve as staff to the “Operational Area” which represents all local government jurisdictions, including special districts, in emergency planning and response.
On a day-to-day basis we develop emergency plans, provide training to first responders, conduct response and recovery exercises, and maintain equipment and facilities in a constant state of readiness should a disaster occur.
The County of Orange and Orange County Operational Area are committed to adopting and implementing state and national standards for emergency management planning, response, and recovery. These include the:
These systems allow local jurisdictions, the state, and the federal government to coordinate information and resources before, during, and after disasters in order to most efficiently and effectively preserve life, property, the environment, and cultural treasures. They consist of common terminology and flexible organizational structures that can be tailored to any size or type of emergency incident.
Multiagency coordination occurs across the different disciplines involved in incident management, across jurisdictional lines, or across levels of government. The chart illustrates how all these systems come together to form a multi-agency coordination system in Orange County.