SANTA ANA, Ca. (Jan. 27, 2025): Please see the statement below from Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes regarding federal immigration enforcement.
“As the debate about immigration and local law enforcement’s role has increased with the new presidential administration, I have been asked by members of the media and the community to clarify the Orange County Sheriff’s Department’s role in immigration enforcement and whether our current practices will change.
“Securing the border and enforcing immigration law are important responsibilities of the federal government. The Orange County Sheriff’s Department does not enforce federal immigration law. It is not part of our primary mission, and we remain focused on violations of state and local laws.
“The Orange County Sheriff’s Department will provide for your safety and respond to your calls for service regardless of your immigration status. We do not, and never will, ask the immigration status of victims, witnesses, suspects or those who call to report crimes. We enforce state and local laws equally, without bias, and without concern for your citizenship. That has not and will not change.
“The crisis at our southern border has put our nation at risk. I have been a strong advocate for changes in policy and increased federal resources to address this threat. As the federal government fulfills this responsibility, it is important that local peace officers remain focused on the enforcement of state and local law.
“California state law hinders our ability to fully communicate with federal law enforcement partners on shared threats posed by criminal offenders who are in violation of immigration law. Sheriffs are limited under California Senate Bill 54 to only communicate with ICE regarding the release of criminal offenders from our custody facilities under very limited circumstances. I have chosen to cooperate with ICE to the fullest extent provided by the law in order to prevent serious offenders from returning to the communities they have preyed upon.
“You are safe to contact the Orange County Sheriff’s Department when you need help. We will remain vigilant in protecting our communities and providing public safety services for all residents of Orange County.”