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NEWS RELEASE: Protest in San Clemente results in eight arrests

SAN CLEMENTE, Ca. (May 21, 2020) – This morning at approximately 9 a.m. a protest occurred in the city of San Clemente related to the Governor’s stay-at-home orders. The vast majority of demonstrators peacefully exercised their First Amendment rights, with an estimated 200 people attending the protest.Unfortunately, despite numerous warnings prior to the event, some individuals chose to commit unlawful activity. Eight people were arrested; their booking charges are below. Trespassing charges indicate the individual is suspected of entering into the city parking lot encircled by fencing erected by the city of San Clemente and refusing to leave after multiple requests. Those arrested for failure to disperse are suspected to have remained after the protest was declared unlawful, and were provided multiple warnings to relocate to an area designated for the protest.

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