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For National Safety Month, consider implementing one new safety habit

June is National Safety Month

June marks National Safety Month – a nationwide campaign promoted by the National Safety Council that encourages residents to adopt practices focused on preventing injuries or death at work, on the road and at home.  

This month, commit to implementing at least one additional measure to help keep you, your family, your colleagues and your community safe. Here are some suggestions:  

At work:

Opt to take a CPR and First-Aid class so you can serve as a resource for your workplace in the event of an emergency.

The most common reason CPR is utilized in the workplace is to aid someone suffering from a heart attack. In approximately 95 percent of cases, an individual dies before making it to a medical care facility. CPR can help keep blood flowing to the brain and the heart, increasing the chance of survival.

For every minute that passes with no intervention, the survival rate for a heart attack victim decreases by 7 percent.    

CPR can also be critical in many other emergencies you may encounter at work including severe allergic reactions, electric shock or suffocation.

Check with your employer to determine whether they offer a company CPR and First-Aid course or visit to find a class near you.   

On the road:

Distracted driving remains one of the biggest dangers for motorists, with nearly 60 percent of drivers reporting being hit, or nearly hit, by another driver on a cell phone.

Although cell phone use is the biggest culprit for distracted driving, any behavior that pulls your attention from the road can be hazardous. This includes eating, applying makeup, changing clothes or reaching for items on the floor.  

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, every day in the United States nine people are killed and approximately 1,000 are injured in crashes that involve distracted driving.

Stay focused while on the road and reduce your risk of being injured in a collision.

At home:

Make sure your family has plans in place should an emergency strike. Hold a family meeting and talk about how you would respond to an earthquake, fire or flood, and what safety measures you need to implement.

If you don’t have emergency kits already, take time this month to pack one and work on drafting an emergency plan. Visit for resources and tips on how to ensure your family is best prepared in the event of an emergency.