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Black Friday Safety Tips

Black Friday Safety Tips image

Here's some safety tips to keep you and your family safe while shopping this Black Friday:

Park your vehicle in well-lighted areas. If you are an early morning Black Friday shopper, be sure to park your vehicle underneath a light and lock it before heading inside. Avoid parking next to vans and large trucks that block your space from the vision of others. If possible, walk to your car and to the store with a partner, and remember to always have your keys in-hand when approaching your vehicle.

Don’t leave tempting items visible in your vehicle. Conceal your merchandise at all times. Either putting your items in the trunk or underneath the seats where they are out of sight.

Make a plan. If you are shopping with children make a plan in case you get separated. Ensure that they your phone number memorized and select a central meeting place ahead of time. Remind them that they should ask mall personnel or store security employees if they need help.

Always be aware of your surroundings. Keeping yourself safe means being aware of your surroundings at all time. Beware of strangers, and anyone approaching you. Thieves and scammers are masters of distraction and sometimes work in pairs to take your valuables. Keep your eyes peeled, and alert security or call your local law enforcement agency of suspicious activity, if you see something, say something.

There is safety in numbers. Thieves are less likely to target a group of shoppers. Try convincing a friend or family member to brace the crowds with you for a good deal.

Don’t make yourself a target for pickpockets. Only take the essentials when you’re shopping. If you can, leave your purse at home. Bring only the credit cards and cash you’ll need. Make sure to keep your wallet in a front pocket. Back pockets are much easier for pickpockets to steal from.
Set yourself up for success. Pack a bottle of water and some light snacks for your shopping trip. This will help prevent you from experiencing any dehydration or extreme fatigue.