The Training Division develops, schedules, and presents law enforcement training for sworn peace officers and professional staff. The department utilizes two training sites ensuring the best learning environment possible, depending on the specific needs of the course. Advanced Officer Training is primarily conducted at the Sandra Hutchens Regional Law Enforcement Training Center in Orange. Academy and entry level training is primarily conducted at the Sheriff’s Regional Training Academy in Tustin. The Orange County Sheriff’s Department, as well as multiple local, state and even federal public safety agencies train at and utilize both sites. Extensive input from law enforcement and other leaders throughout the county help to mold the curriculum and training that is offered. Both facilities are often utilized seven days per week and include daytime and evening instruction. Most training courses are provided in partnership with Santa Ana College.
Sandra Hutchens Regional Law Enforcement Training Center
Tactical Training Center
The Sandra Hutchens Regional Law Enforcement Training Center has a state-of-the-art Tactical Training Center (TTC). The facility consists of a mock town designed for training tactics, and an Advanced Interactive System for force option training. The TTC provides a safe and realistic environment to train Patrol, SWAT, K-9, Investigations, Narcotic and Bomb Dogs, Hostage Negotiation Teams, Directed Enforcement Teams, Academy Recruits, Reserve Officers, and Advanced Officers from all over the state.
The technologically advanced programs offered by the TTC include force on force, less-lethal, non-lethal, force option, and emergency vehicle driving training. The TTC provides a realistic environment to train officers in police scenarios and tactics. Simunition FX is used to simulate live fire in force on force police scenarios and tactical entries. The Tactical Training Center staff offer expertise in instruction on combat shooting, less-lethal, non-lethal (40mm, Less Than Lethal Shotgun, PepperBall and ECD), officer survival, search techniques, de-escalation, building searches, rapid deployment, and critical incident response. The emphasis of the training is on mental and physical preparedness, case law, proper procedure, and tactics. The training is conducted in a controlled environment so officers can improve reaction time and hone survival techniques in a safe environment.
The TTC has trained students from all over the Western United States from numerous state, federal, and local agencies. Our staff has the ability to customize training to fit the need of the agency.
Advanced Officer Training
The Advanced Officer Training (AOT) is facilitated for law enforcement officers and professional staff from agencies throughout the State. Our program provides state mandated and specialized training certified by California Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST).
Standards and Training for Corrections Unit
Standards and Training for Corrections (STC) provides entry level and annual training for sworn and non-sworn staff assigned to jail facilities and regional based courts with temporary holding facilities. All STC training is certified by the California Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC).
Firearms Training Unit
The Firearms Training Unit provides firearms training to members of numerous law enforcement agencies. The department maintains a law enforcement practical pistol range, and a state-of-the-art indoor tactical training range at the Sandra Hutchens Regional Law Enforcement Training Center. The Firearms Training Unit has one Mobile Pistol Range (MPR), which enables firearms qualification opportunities closer to employee’s work areas. The full-time armory staff is responsible for inspection and repair of all the department’s weapons and safety equipment.
CSA/SSO Academy
Academy training for Correctional Services Assistants (CSA’s) and Sheriff’s Special Officers (SSO’s) is conducted in a stress-discipline format at the Sandra Hutchens Regional Law Enforcement Training Center. The CSA/SSO Academy program consists of eleven weeks of classroom instruction, physical training, arrest control techniques, inspections and scenario training. After graduation, SSO’s then receive an additional three weeks of training consisting primarily of firearms training.
Sheriff’s Regional Training Academy
The Orange County Sheriff’s Regional Training Academy located on the former Marine Corps, Lighter than Air Base (LTA) property in Tustin officially opened in September 2007. Staff at this site facilitate a minimum of five basic academies per year, as well as a modular training academy program. The site is jointly occupied by Training Division staff as well as our training partners from Santa Ana College. This 52,000 square foot facility boasts four classrooms, indoor and outdoor recruit dining areas, an arrest and control techniques training area, a state of the art weight room, a special events room with a stage and seating for approximately 1,300 guests, dual obstacle courses, an outdoor running trail, a formal inspection grounds, and video production offices with a fully equipped production studio. The facility also houses the Sheriff’s Mutual Aid Bureau, and hosts Sheriff’s explorer and reserve officer meetings and training, pre-employment (PEP) and mentoring training, and more. Multiple agencies utilize the facility for recruiting and testing of law enforcement candidates. The Orange County Sheriff’s Regional Training Academy is also home to the Orange County Peace Officer’s Memorial.