Starting Position: Lying on your back with the resistance band wrapped around your right forefoot.
- Lift right leg to a 30 degree angle and flex foot while you pull the band back. At end of range of motion, exhale and gently pull the band until you feel a stretch. Hold for 2 seconds.
- Inhale and now point your toes away from your shin. Pause and repeat.
Do 10 reps then repeat on opposite side

Calf (Roller)
Starting Position: Place foam roll under right calf. Place body weight on right leg.
- Roll calf by using arms to let lower leg glide up and down the roll. Perform 20-30 rolls and perform 20-30 slow rolls over any tender areas.
- Switch legs and repeat.

Starting Position: Sitting with right leg extended, left leg bent, with foam roller under right glute. Hands placed behind you.
- Roll for 20-30 reps along groin and inner thigh. Perform 20-30 slow rolls on any trigger spots.
- Switch legs and repeat.

Starting Position: Lying on your back with the resistance band wrapped around your foot, hold the band with the same with the same side hand as working leg.
- With non-working leg stationary with toes pointed skyward, sweep working leg away from body, keeping knee straight. At end of range of motion, give band gentle pull to assist in stretch. Hold for two seconds while exhaling. Pause, inhale and return to starting position.
Do 10 reps then repeat on opposite side.

Groin (Roller)
Starting Position: Lying down with right leg straight and left leg at 45-degree angle supported on your arms, slightly bent. Foam roller positioned along groin and left inner thigh.
- Roll for 20-30 repetitions along groin and inner thigh. Perform 20-30 slow rolls on any trigger spots.
- Switch legs and repeat.

Starting Position: Lying on your back with the resistance band wrapped around your right forefoot.
- Lift your right leg, keeping knee straight as you pull the band. At end of range of motion, exhale and gently pull the band until you feel a stretch. Hold 2 seconds.
- Inhale and return to starting position.
Do 10 reps then repeat on opposite side.

Hamstring (Roller)
Starting Position: Place foam under right hamstring. Place all body weight on roll.
- Roll hamstring by using arms to let your body glide up and down roll. Perform 20-30 slow rolls on any trigger spots.
- Switch legs and repeat.

Hip External Rotator
Starting Position: Sitting on foam roller, cross right ankle onto left knee and rotate your body so that all weight is on right glute. Stabilize yourself with your right hand.
- Roll back and forth on right glute for 20-30 rolls and perform 20-30 slow rolls on any trigger spots.
- Switch legs and repeat.

Hip Flexor
Starting Position: Lying face down on forearms with foam roller just below right hip flexor.
- Using arms, glide hip flexor over roll for 20-30 reps and perform 20-30 slow rolls on any trigger spots.
- Shift weight to left hip flexor and repeat.

IT Band
Starting Position: Lying on your back with the resistance band wrapped around your foot, hold the band in the hand opposite the leg you are stretching. Other hand is flat on the ground.
- While keeping shoulders on the ground and non-working leg stationary with toes pointed to sky, fire inner thigh muscles to bring working leg across your body as you pull with the band. At the end of the range of motion, give a gentle stretch for 2 seconds.
- Relax and return leg to starting position.
Do 10 reps then repeat on opposite side.

IT Band (Roller)
Starting Position: With foam roll underneath you, lean on your right side, supported by your forearm.
- Do 20-30 rolls for each 1/3 of the leg – hip bone to 1/3 down leg, middle 1/3 of leg, knee to ankle. Perform 20-30 rolls on any trigger spots.
- Switch legs and repeat.

Starting Position: Lying on your side with the foam roller just below your arm.
- Do 20-30 rolls from just under your armpit and along your rib cage and perform 20-30 slow rolls on any trigger spots.
- Switch sides and repeat.

Middle and Upper Back
Starting Position: Lying on back with foam roller at base of neck.
- Roll from the base of your neck to the middle of your back. You can support your head with your hands if you prefer.
- Perform 20-30 rolls, relax and repeat.

Middle Back
Starting Position: Lying on your left side with bottom left leg extended, right arm extended and reaching out, right knee flexed up toward chest being held down by the bottom left hand.
- Open your shoulders by rotating torso to the right, attempting to put upper back and right shoulder and right arm on the ground as you exhale. Hold for 2 seconds then return to starting position while inhaling.
Do 10 reps then repeat on opposite side.

Post-Workout Card
AIS: Utilize band for all exercises except: Rotator Cuff, Quadruped Thoracic Spine, and AIS Middle Back stretch; all are 10 reps each, start with left side and do 1-4 then do right side 1-4. Exercises 6-9 do both sides L/R then go to the next exercise.
- Calf Pull, relax, 1; Pull, relax, 2;....10
- Hamstring Pull, relax, 1; Pull, relax, 2;....10
- IT Band Pull, relax, 1; Pull, relax, 2;....10
- Groin Pull, relax, 1; Pull, relax, 2;....10
- Quadriceps Up, Pull, relax, 1; Up, Pull, relax, 2;....10
- Rotator Cuff Down, back, 1; Down, back, 2;....10
- Quadruped Thoracic Spine Count on your own
- Middle Back Up, back, 1; Up, back, 2;....10
- Triceps Down, relax, 1; Down, relax, 2;....10
Roller: All are 20-30 rolls each
- Calf
- Hamstring
- IT Band
- Quadriceps
- Groin
- Glute
- Middle and Upper Back
- Lats
- Hip External Rotator
- Hip Flexor
Starting Position: Lying on your stomach with band wrapped around forefoot of working leg and band pulled over side shoulder.
- Stationary leg remains straight while firing the working leg hamstring.
- At end of range of motion, fire glute and lift working leg off ground. After lifting the leg, gently pull the band to provide a gentle stretch, holding for 2 seconds while you exhale. Pause, relax and return to starting position.
Do 10 reps then repeat on opposite side.

Quadriceps (Roller)
Starting Position: Lying face down with roller under quads, and arms extended.
- Lower arms and lift right leg off the ground and perform 20-30 rolls. Perform 20-30 slow rolls on any trigger spots.
- Relax, switch legs and repeat.

Quadruped Thoracic Spine
Starting Position: Start on hands and knees, with back straight. Sit back with butt on heals.
- In a continuous swinging motion reach across the body and under the left arm with the right hand with palm up and then pull the hand back across to the back of the head flexing to the right.
Do 5 reps then repeat on opposite side.

Rotator Cuff
Starting Position: Lying on your right side with your arm in a 90/90 position.
- Externally rotate your right shoulder to try to put the back of your right hand on the ground, maintaining a 90-degree flex on your elbow.
- Now internally rotate your right shoulder and attempt to put your right palm on the ground in front of your belly button. Hand placement should be behind watch. At end of range of motion, gently assist stretch with your left hand. Exhale and hold for 2 seconds. Relax, inhale and return to starting position.
Do 10 reps then repeat on opposite side.

Starting Position: Reach over your shoulder with your right hand, elbow pointing up to take the band. With left hand behind your back, grab band, palm facing out.
- Reach with right hand down the spine. At end of range of motion, gently pull band with left hand for a 2-second stretch. After 2 seconds inhale and return hands to starting position.
Exchange sides and repeat.