Air Squats
Starting Position: Standing with feet more than shoulder width apart.
- Squat as deep as possible with hips back and heels on the ground. At the same time, lift both arms to shoulder height.
- Explode from the squat position, contracting glutes and return to starting position.

Broad Jump
Starting Position: Standing with heels under hips.
- Rapidly squat down several inches with hands in front.
- Explode from the squatting position, and jump as far forward as possible.
- Land softly with your feet under your hips.
- Reset immediately and jump again.

Starting Position: Standing with feet shoulder width apart.
- Perform a deep squat with hands out for balance and smooth transition for next sequence.
- Place hands flat on the ground and explode back with legs into a push-up position.
- Perform a push-up and return to the starting position with elbows extended and toes down.
- Fire your legs in toward your hands, keeping them on the ground and remaining in the squat position.
- From the squat position explode up and jump with your hands above your head and legs spread eagle in mid-air.

Starting Position: Lying on your back, with shoulder blades on the deck, knees up and arms across your abdomen. Hands should be grasping your shirt.
- Vigorously drive your upper body off of the ground using your abdominals.
- Return your shoulders to the deck to complete a crunch.

Elbow to Knees
Starting Position: In a dead hang from a pull-up bar with hands greater than shoulder width apart.
- Keeping your upper back tight and your shoulders in the socket, roll your knees up to your elbows in one continuous motion.
- Drop your feet straight down to avoid kipping. Moving in a smooth and controlled motion will help to avoid swinging from the bar.

Farmers Carry
Starting Position: Using a comfortable weight (kettle bell, dumbbell, etc), on the ground outside hip width, stand with good posture and shoulders back, chest out and feet shoulder width apart, similar to standing at attention.
- Keeping your back straight and your shoulders set, bend at the knees and sit back until you can grip the objects.
- While gripping the objects, stand up, keeping your back straight. Your legs will be doing all of the work.
- Step forward and walk or run at a quick pace while holding the loads and avoid swaying the loads.

Forward Plank
Starting Position: Lying on stomach, with elbows bent and legs extended, forearms on the ground, and feet flexed.

- Stiffen your core, lifting your body up in one movement so that you are resting on your forearms and toes. Your body should be straight.
Starting Position: Standing or sitting
- Place gripper device in hand.
- Squeeze and hold for the allotted time, release, repeat.
Lunges with Counter Rotation
Starting Position: Standing with feet shoulder width apart, with elbows out to the side and hands near your ears.

- Step left leg forward into a lunge position, with knee over your toes. Right leg should be back, with knee pointed toward the ground foot flexed.
- Rotate your body toward your forward knee, keeping your spine straight.
- Come back to center.
- Drive off the left leg and return to standing position.
Mountain Climbers
Starting Position: Top of push-up position with elbows full extended. Right leg will be flexed forward.
- Fire your left leg forward, flexing at the knee while keeping your right leg back, fully extended with knee straight.
- Quickly alternate, firing right leg forward, flexing at the knee and firing left leg back, fully extended with knee straight.
- Repeat, alternating legs.

Starting Position: A dead hang with hands greater than shoulder width apart, body relaxed.
- Use both arms and pull your chest up to the bar, pulling your shoulder blades down and back. Keep core and glutes stiff.
- Actively return to the starting position, pushing chest away from the bar and extending elbows.

Push Ups
Starting Position: Lying prone with feet flexed, elbows bent and hands under shoulders.
- Push up through your hands, keeping back straight until elbows are fully extended. Pause at the top.
- Keeping back straight, return to starting position, just above the ground. Do not rest on ground.

Side Plank
Starting Position: On your left side with your body in a straight line (head, shoulder, hip, knees and ankles should be aligned) and forearm underneath you.
- Push up on your left forearm, lifting your right hip, creating a straight line from your shoulder t your ankle. Only your left foot and left forearm should remain on the ground. Do not sag or bend at the waist. To increase difficult raise your top leg to the sky.

Starting Position: Lying on your back, with shoulder blades on the deck, knees up and arms across your abdomen. Hands should be grasping your shirt.
- Vigorously drive your upper body off of the ground using your abdominals.
- Continue until your elbows pass your knees.
- Return your shoulders to the deck.
- Resting should only be done in the “up” position.

Starting Position: Standing with feet shoulder width apart.
- Shift all your weight onto your right leg, lifting your left foot off the ground. Stabilize on right leg.
- After a pause, explode off right leg to the left, landing and stabilizing solely on the left while right leg is off the ground. Pause.
- Explode on the right while the left is off the ground. Pause and repeat.

Squat Thrusts
Starting Position: Standing with feet shoulder width apart, hands on hips.
- Perform a squat with hands out for balance and smooth transition for next sequence.
- Place hands flat on the ground and explode back with legs into a push-up position.
- Fire your legs in toward your hands, keeping them on the ground and remaining in the squat position.
- From the squat position, return to the starting position.

Vertical Jump
Starting Position: Standing with heels under hips.
- Rapidly squat down several inches with hands in front.
- Explode from the squatting position, and jump as far forward as possible.
- Land softly with your feet under your hips.
- Reset immediately and jump again.

Walking Lunges
Starting Position: Standing with feet hip width apart.
- Step forward with one leg, keeping your knee tracking over your foot and slightly forward.
- Drive back into the standing position keeping your body moving in a straight line.
- Step forward with opposite leg and continue.