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Bail information is usually available after 2-3 hours.

The average time is approximately four hours, but could be as little as two, or as much as six hours.

See visiting hours and information posted on this webpage.

No.  You must have valid photo identification prior to a visit. Only government issued ID’s are accepted (State Driver’s License or Identification Card, Passport, Consular Card, etc.)


No, these must arrive directly from the publisher or an approved online retailer.

No. Packages or mail cannot be dropped off at any facility.

Yes, glasses or contacts may be brought to the Central Mens' Jail Attorney Bonds Area. Glasses cannot have metal frames or contain metal inside of the plastic frames.

Call the court.

Inmate accounts may have a maximum balance of $500.

Yes, a process server is required to do this for you.

The inmate can release the property to a designated person prior to being transferred. If the property is not released it goes with the inmate to prison.

Yes, a clothing exchange form is completed by the person exchanging the clothes and is agreed to by the inmate. This may take several hours to complete.